Welcome to Astea!

Astea is a Game-Fi project that allows players to enjoy a free-to-play social MMORPG experience. It incorporates a unique token emission system that offers flexibility and a monetization model based on staking.

The gameplay of Astea is centered around a third-person survival MMORPG, integrating strategic elements within a captivating world that combines high technology and medieval culture. For more detailed information about the gameplay, please refer to the dedicated section.

The primary objective of the project is to develop a well-balanced game that caters to a broad web2 audience. While leveraging web3 technology, Astea selectively utilizes its advantages to differentiate itself from competing games.

Main features of Astea:

  • Non-inflationary flexible model of tokenomics

    • Astea implements a tokenomics model that is not subject to inflation. The emission of AQUA tokens is solely dependent on in-game purchases, ensuring that each token is backed by real demand in USDT. For more detailed information, please refer to $AQUA token$AQUA Tokenomics

  • Zero-sum rewards.

    • In Astea, the game does not issue tokens as rewards. Instead, it operates on a zero-sum system where tokens are redistributed from less skilled players to more skilled ones. This model of rewards encourages players to actively engage in gaming and social processes. For more details, please see AQUA Rewards

  • Governance, multiverse and passive income

    • The $SPICE token allows owners to manage clans, collect taxes, earn bribes, and even move their avatar to other game projects to obtain rare artifacts! Token emission occurs only if a significant majority of tokens are long-term staked. For more details, please see $SPICE token

  • Community Generated Content

    • Astea fosters an infrastructure that promotes user-generated content and assets. This includes the release of community collections and the ability to create custom servers reminiscent of Roblox. For more information, refer to Marketplace NFT Worlds

  • Balance against pay-to-win

    • To maintain fairness, Astea prohibits the purchase of items that grant advantages in player-versus-player (PVP) encounters. However, players can acquire items that save time, such as recovery tools, and resource extraction accelerators. Additionally, a troop limit ensures that no player gains an unfair or excessive advantage in PVP situations. Further details can be found in FYRE

  • Passive income with NFT assets

    • Astea incorporates game NFT assets that not only enhance gaming experiences but also provide owners with opportunities for passive income. Importantly, this passive income generation does not disrupt the game balance. To delve deeper into this topic, please explore NFT Astea HeroesNFT-CoA Counselor

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