Inner Worlds

Survival, farm, cooperation and battles between players.

The main objective of the player is to venture into the Inner Worlds, explore and conquer them, while extracting unique magical resources specific to each World. However, the Worlds have limitations, and resources within them are finite. Additionally, survival and progress in each World often require resources obtained from other Worlds.

To advance, players must continually engage with other players through various interactions such as trading, battling, forming alliances, sharing information, and more. The player assumes control of their character as well as their Followers, which include Heroes and Units. Orders are given to these Followers, who typically remain close to the player unless directed otherwise. Direct control over Followers is only possible when the player is in close proximity to them or when using specialized Units that enable telepathic communication.

The Map

The Inner Worlds comprise a unified map consisting of 7 distinct biomes or Worlds. Players have the freedom to select the specific World they wish to explore, and upon arrival, they materialize at a randomly assigned Portal within that World. Players retain all the units and resources they brought with them from the Capital.

As the player community expands, the map will gradually expand as well. This expansion serves to prevent players from experiencing severe scarcity of resources and territories while still maintaining motivation for competition and cooperation among players.

Outposts and Fortresses

The primary objective for players is to capture Outposts, which serve as their base of operations. Each World features a limited number of Outposts and Fortresses, occupied either by other players or NPCs.

Outposts provide players with essential functionalities such as crafting, resource mining, building construction, and unit creation for expansion and defense. They are relatively easier to capture and possess minimal natural obstacles. This makes them convenient for logistics and expansion, as geographic barriers like mountains, rivers, forests, and swamps rarely impede their development.

On the other hand, Fortresses offer the same functionalities as Outposts but are considerably more challenging to capture. They are heavily guarded by formidable NPCs and fortified structures, often located in strategically advantageous positions. Capturing Fortresses becomes a priority for Player Guilds or advanced solo players. Due to their landscape features and fortifications, expanding Fortresses is difficult, and for effective gameplay, it is crucial to have at least one additional Outpost under the player's or Guild's control.


To facilitate effective development, players must extract resources from their respective accumulation sites and transport them to an Outpost or the Capital using Portals. Trading between players within the Inner Worlds also necessitates resource delivery from one outpost to another.

Logistical tasks can be performed by both players and their units, provided the appropriate orders are given. Once an order is issued, a route between the designated points is automatically generated.

During resource transportation, players and units are susceptible to interception by other players or NPCs. This puts them at risk of resource capture by opposing players or resource destruction by hostile units.


Portals are key transportation points in the Inner Worlds. They are located both on the borders of the Worlds and inside them, and allow players and Heroes to travel between them, as well as transport resources and units to the Capital. Only players or Heroes can use Portals for resource and unit transportation.

Before entering an Inner World, players can send a certain amount of $AQUA to a smart contract, which can be used during their expedition. However, this $AQUA can be captured by other players. When the player returns to the Capital, any remaining $AQUA is returned to their wallet and is safe.

Places of Power

Each World in Astea features special locations known as Places of Power. These points of interest offer valuable rewards, including rare resources and $AQUA, as well as the opportunity to embark on quests specific to that World. However, accessing and navigating Places of Power requires careful preparation, as players will face aggressive NPCs that actively attack during resource extraction and quest completion.

In addition, powerful Boss NPCs may appear in Places of Power, posing a significant challenge. Defeating these Bosses requires extensive preparation and cooperation among multiple players. Upon defeating a Boss, players receive a portion of $AQUA from the reward pool as their reward.


Astea offers players the ability to construct a variety of structures, including walls, stairs, roofs, fortifications, farms, and Stations.

Stations are categorized into two types: basic and advanced.

Basic stations are responsible for producing and processing basic resources, as well as equipping units. These buildings require units to operate them and the necessary resources for crafting. Ownership of a basic station is determined by the player if it is operated by their unit. Otherwise, it is considered ownerless and can be seized by anyone.

On the other hand, advanced stations handle the production of high-tech items and rare resources. These stations cannot be constructed within the Inner Worlds. Instead, they are built in the Capital using NFT Blueprints and subsequently transported to the Inner Worlds through a Portal.

To activate an advanced station, capsules containing $AQUA need to be loaded into it. The productivity of the station increases with the amount of loaded $AQUA. Ownership of an advanced station is attributed to the player who has loaded their $AQUA into it. In the event of the station's destruction, 30% of the $AQUA is directed to the reward pool, while the remaining $AQUA capsules can be seized by other players.


players can create Units by hiring individuals in the Capital and equipping them with the required gear. Base stations are responsible for crafting equipment for specific units. However, individuals without equipment can still operate most of the base stations.

A wide variety of unit types exist, each specializing in different aspects of gameplay. These include warriors, scouts, scientists, logisticians, support units, and more.

When the player is near their units, they have the ability to issue orders to them. If no active orders are given, the units will automatically follow the player.


Players possess immortality, ensuring that if they are killed in the Inner World, they will be instantly reborn in the Capital. However, when a player's character carrying $AQUA is killed in the Inner World, only 50% of the $AQUA is retained by the player. The remaining 40% goes to the player who killed them, and 10% is added to the reward pool.

Upon the death of a player character, their units remain loyal and continue to carry out any previously given orders. If no active orders are given, the units will defend the player's Outpost until their return.

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