Guilds and Alliances


Guilds in Astea are formed by five players who join forces to enhance their gameplay experience, engage in political activities, and generate passive income.

Within the Inner Worlds, guild members have the ability to capture and occupy a Fortress, share resources among themselves, and transfer Heroes to fellow guild members for collaborative play.

The limit of five members per guild ensures a healthy level of competition, prevents monopolies, and fosters a diverse range of strategies in both the Inner Worlds and the Capital.

Guilds and $AQUA

Every Guild in Astea maintains its own treasury, which is funded through a tax imposed on all Guild members when they return to the Capital, involving a payment in $AQUA and resources.

Within the Guild, resources can be redistributed among members or sold on the stock exchange in exchange for $AQUA. The funds held in the Guild treasury can be utilized for various purposes, such as redistributing among members, staking, investing in rentable NFT assets of Astea, entering into contracts with other Guilds, and contributing to the reward pool in exchange for Influence.


Alliances in Astea are formed by player Guilds, enabling them to engage in advanced trade, production, and politics, exerting a significant influence on the game's economy.

To establish an Alliance, a Guild must possess the Counselor's NFT coat of arms. The Guild that initiates the Alliance becomes its leader.

Alliances operate as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) where voting is conducted using veSPICE. Through voting, key organizational matters can be decided and configured, such as the distribution of Influence within the Capital's territories, resource allocation among Guilds, Guild tax on $AQUA, and the sharing of income from controlled territories.

Only the leader Guild can propose initiatives for the Alliance's DAO vote and accept new Guilds into the Alliance. All Guilds within the Alliance receive bonuses from the Counselor's NFT Coat of Arms.

Guilds pay a monthly membership fee to the Alliance treasury for Alliance membership. The contribution amount is uniform for all Alliances, with a percentage of the contribution directed to the reward pool. This percentage scales linearly based on the number of Guilds within the Alliance.

Participation in politics and territorial occupation within the Capital is exclusive to Alliances, granting them unique privileges and opportunities.


Factions in Astea are two AI-driven political entities with distinct objectives, values, strengths, and weaknesses. They aim to control Astea's multiverse by continuously generating personalized quests for players, influenced by the player's specialization and actions, and adapting to the current in-game situations. Factions employ both public quests to recruit new members and covert operations for trusted individuals.

Player Faction Alignment

Players align themselves with a faction based on their in-game choices, interactions with other players and AI NPCs, and quests they undertake. Solo players can fluidly change their faction alignment, influenced by their standing with a specific faction. Completing quests for a faction increases a player's standing with that faction, while actions detrimental to another faction reduce their standing.

Higher Faction Standing

Higher faction standing unlocks more challenging and rewarding quests. Sometimes, factions may offer substantial rewards to players of high position and standing within another faction in exchange for betrayal, preventing power dynamics from becoming stale.

Guild and Alliance Faction Alignment

Guilds and Alliances must align with one faction, automatically integrating into the faction's power structure. Faction membership grants access to advanced quests and enhanced diplomatic options but comes with membership fees and obligatory quests. Completing these quests within specified timeframes is vital for the faction's effective operation in the ongoing faction conflict. Not completing the obligatory quest reduces the entire Guild's or Alliance's standing with the faction.

Influence Through Positions

Guild and Alliance members can also vie for influential positions within factions via faction-wide veSPICE voting in DAO, granting their respective alliances bonuses and unlocking special diplomatic and political actions that remain exclusive to them. Moreover, these positions entitle them to a share of the faction's taxes, rewards, and profits in $AQUA and $SPICE.

Factions in Gameplay

Factions play a pivotal role in shaping Astea's gameplay experience. They offer dynamic quests, varying rewards, and intricate diplomacy, deeply involving players in the ongoing faction conflict. Guilds and Alliances, as integral parts of factions, gain access to advanced content while shouldering membership obligations. This intricate faction system ensures that player actions have far-reaching consequences, influencing the ever-evolving power dynamics within the game's multiverse.

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